Why not me?

2 years ago, my brother-in-law ( Tech-Tri ) convienced my husband to run a marathon. It was so amazing watching him train and finish. I thought, I can do that too.. But wait? there is not one athletic bone in my body. I'm over wieght.. there is no way I can do that. My husband encouraged me, and I signed up to join a running group. (run/walk). best thing I ever did. Ran my first 5k July of 2009. Well this year again, My brother-in-law (love him!) conviences by husband to do triathlon. So I figured what the heck if he can do it..

Then why not me.!

So this is all about my adventures in training for my first sprint Triathlon. I picked the Women's Triathlon.

Monday, August 2, 2010

More Training

We meet again for another group swim (pool), worked on drills again, and also breathing and sighting. It's great to have someone there to see what you are doing wrong. I just need to continue doing it..!

Saturday my husband and I went for a bike ride. I ended up going 18 miles, I worked on my cadence, making sure I kept on pedaling. The path we go to is mostly flat, I really need to get some hill work. We are going on Sunday to actually ride the route for the race, which I heard is mostly rolling hills. Can't wait, as this will make me feel a little better and know what I would except on race day.

Sunday we had our 1st group run. We started off walking and talking about different warm ups to do prior to running. Worked on posture, arm positions, strides and your feet landings. There happened to be a couple running on the same path, and our coach asked us to tell us what they were doing wrong, and right away we can tell, they had long strides and the guys was bouncing . I need to work on making my strides smaller and not running with my arms crossing in front of me. I am going to run with my husband this week, so hopefully he can check to make sure I am not doing that. Another thing I do notice is when I start getting tired, I start running bending at my waist. Need to make sure to continue with the good posture all the way.

Tommorrow there is a tiny tri in my area, that some of the ladies in our group has done, I may go try it out. It is an off road bike trail.. which I should be ok, as I have done mountain biking in the past. Its only $10, .. 200yd swim, 3 mile trail, and a 1+ run..It should be fun, getting my feet went in triathlon..!

1 comment:

  1. Stumbled into your blog...I also live in CTb(Norwalk) and recently did my first tri. You'll love it - it's so fun! Good luck! Check out my blog if you want...lifeloveandlongruns.blogspot.com
