Why not me?

2 years ago, my brother-in-law ( Tech-Tri ) convienced my husband to run a marathon. It was so amazing watching him train and finish. I thought, I can do that too.. But wait? there is not one athletic bone in my body. I'm over wieght.. there is no way I can do that. My husband encouraged me, and I signed up to join a running group. (run/walk). best thing I ever did. Ran my first 5k July of 2009. Well this year again, My brother-in-law (love him!) conviences by husband to do triathlon. So I figured what the heck if he can do it..

Then why not me.!

So this is all about my adventures in training for my first sprint Triathlon. I picked the Women's Triathlon.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My first post!

My first triathlon is coming up in September. I really haven't been training so much. I pretty much have been following my husband. He has been training for 3 Tri's this year. He had his 1st one on May 9th and he just had his 2nd on May 30th.. a little more on those later. He has his big one HIM in June.! Anyways.. if he goes to the gym to swim, then I go to the gym to swim.. I have been adding more time running and biking also. I am a pretty slow runner. My 5k last year I finished at 37:54 (12:11 pace). I am working on getting faster.. what is helping that I lost over 20lbs so far working out with him...! I did join an 8 week triathlon training group. That starts in July.. I will of course post on my progress on that. For now I am concentrating on getting as much swim/bike and run workouts as I can.


I am getting better at swimming. The first day I went with my husband to the gym in January, I remember after swimming 1 lap and thinking.. This is crazy, how am I suppose to do 1/2 a mile. I have gotten better. I can now swim 22 laps (1/2 mile) now without stopping. So I am a bit more confortable in swimming. I did just order a new watch, so I can keep track of my laps and swim times. As trying to remember what lap I was in..was a pain.. Was that lap 12 or 13?


So besides spinning class..not much experience here in biking. I have gone out on a few bike trails. My longest so far was like 18 miles. Not sure on time, as I had to help out a fellow biker, who needed to use my pump. So I do need to work on the biking thing, as I here that is one place to make up time. I do not have a road bike. I have what they call a hybrid. So I guess its better then having a mountain bike.


As I mention before.. I am a pretty slow runner..I now avg between 11:30 min - 12:00 min miles. Working on trying to get faster.. but compared to my time from my 5k race.. I have shed like 30 sec off my time! :-)


Im a big fan of blogs.. I read a bunch of them every day. One of my favorites is DC Rainmaker. His blog is always full of information.. and as a newbie to traithlon I have learned alot by reading his blog.. Plus he has great stories..! He is currently giving away a WiFi Scale. Please see his blog to enter.