Why not me?

2 years ago, my brother-in-law ( Tech-Tri ) convienced my husband to run a marathon. It was so amazing watching him train and finish. I thought, I can do that too.. But wait? there is not one athletic bone in my body. I'm over wieght.. there is no way I can do that. My husband encouraged me, and I signed up to join a running group. (run/walk). best thing I ever did. Ran my first 5k July of 2009. Well this year again, My brother-in-law (love him!) conviences by husband to do triathlon. So I figured what the heck if he can do it..

Then why not me.!

So this is all about my adventures in training for my first sprint Triathlon. I picked the Women's Triathlon.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Diva Marathon Race Report

Shine like a Diva...! Yes, that's what we did. This race was one of the best races I been too. So much fun. Well organized. It started all on Saturday.. Family and I drove to Long Island, went first to pick up my packet.. cute pink (of course) bag and shirt.

The expo was pretty big.. lots of diva stuff.. I picked up these cute little blinging things for my sneakers.. Cute.. :-)

We then checked into the hotel, went out to dinner, and was in bed by 9:30pm. Got up early, the husband went out to Dunkin Donuts to pick up some begals, while my daughters and I got ready. It was pretty cold out this morning. I was torn between wearing shorts or long pants. I ended up staying with the long pants. Drove down to the race site, was there prior to 7:00am, as the roads would be closing soon. Race started at 8:00am. Was very crowed, everyone was trying to line up in the coral at the times they felt they were racing. I was trying to get back towards the 12:00 - 13:00 min miles, I ended up starting at the 8:00 - 9:00 min mile. Which was great for me. I was in line ready for the race, when I realized I wanted to take a gel pack before starting the race, but my husband had them. The good thing I purchased this real cool race belt at the expo that hold can hold my phone. Its also a race belt number holder, plus it has slots for gels and stuff.. But I forgot to add those things to my belt. So I called my husband, to come quickly to where I was. I told him I was at the 8:00 - 9:00 min section of the coral.. He was like, what the heck are you doing there.. I told him come down and you will see.. Of course he notice it was crazy.. very crowed. I'm surprised he made it to me.. Thank goodness he is so tall, that I could see him thru the crowd, So he handed me over the gel, and all was fine. As you can see below, this quick picture he took prior to heading back to the start line. He just made it..!

And there off..!

I started off very well.. My avg mile is between 12:00 - 13:00 min miles. I was surprise when I got to mile 1 and it read 11:11 mins. WOW.. the fastest I have ever won a mile.. I told my husband meet you at mile 2, I will be there in 24 mins, and he was like you better not, as that is too fast for you and you will be tired.. Well I made mile 2 at 23 mins.. ! But the funny thing, I was not tired.. I felt good. The pace was good.

2. 5 miles

8 miles..!

I actually felt good, I was so surprised, only walked at the water stations, I did the first 5 miles in 1 hr.. which surprised me. And even at the 8 mile - 9 miles, I was thinking, this is not all that bad, And I knew the Hartford Marathon was the following weekend, I said to myself, I am going to ask David if he wants to do the 1/2 marathon with me the following weekend.. Little did I know, how I quickly changed my mind. I have always heard of the "Wall",. everyone hits it..! Well I felt it. Mile 10..! I was like.. what the heck. My thighs were burning, my calfs hurt.. I could just not move. I was like, I am sooo done.! And everyone was saying come on.. Almost to mile 12, You will get your tiara and boa and that will give you the boost to finish.. OK.. NO...! it did not. That last 1.1 miles was the longest I felt of all miles.. I was just dead. I pushed mentally to finish. I wasn't really tired, it just that my legs just gave up, they were hurting bad..! Thank goodness, at around 1/4 miles I spotted my wonderful husband, he came over and he said almost there. I was like are you serious?, as I can not run anymore.. and yes I was still running, as I just wanted to end, and I figured it was faster then walking even, though my legs were burning. He assured me the finish line was just around the corner and the girls were waiting for me there, at that point he gave me a kiss, ran with me a bit, then ran off a head to go around the finish line to see me finish. He gave me the boost I needed to finish.. THANK YOU DAVID..! I LOVE YOU.. He has been so supported this whole year..! I was so happy to see the finish line and my daughters. They also have been so good and supportive. It was really cold out. But they stuck it out just to see me run. LOVE YOU SAM and ASH..!

My goal was to finish under 3 hrs.. I did it in 2hrs and 52 mins..! YAHOO..! I was worried at one point that I was not going to make it.. as I thought I really slowed down at the last 3 miles. But I actaully didn't do all that bad, I actually did negative splits on my last 3 miles.. and ooppss I forgot to turn off my Garmin after I finished. I was in line to get our picture taken, when my husband said, did you turn your garmin off.. and I was like.. NOPE.. opps.

NY Firefighters handing out medals..!

Roses and Champagne.!

Ok so I have done only 3 races in my life time. Never once getting a medal. I see all of husband medals from all of his races and I was like.. I want one.

1st 5k race - no medal

1st sprint triathlon - Cute custom made pins.

1st 1/2 marathon - BIGGEST, blinging medal ever..! LOVE IT..

And my husband was jealous.. This thing weighs a ton. So I was soo happy, and it made my day.



  1. This was on LI? I'm totally doing this next year! I love the accessories!!

  2. just came across your blog and love it! this race looks amazing!!
